Oral Presentation - 29
Nursing care of an infant, underwent double ostomy with the diagnose of jejunoileal atresia
M Boyacı, MS Arda, İ Yılmaz
Eskisehir Osmangazi Uiversity, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Intestinal atresia is composed of
segmental absence or luminal obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract.
Patients underwent immediate surgery in newborn period. According to the
dilatation of intestine surgeon might prefer a diverting stoma. It has been
reported that diverting stomas have more complication in premature infants.
Here a premature infant, who was initially followed with single; during further
follow up with double stoma, is presented.
Case: A male, 2500 gr, ex-34 week
gestational age premature was admitted to the pediatric surgery department with
the complaint of distended abdomen without meconium. He was underwent surgery
due to intestinal obstruction. Type 2 jejunoileal junction atresia was
detected. Inıtially diverting jejunoileostomy was performed. During follow up
proximal intestinal contents were used for distal feeding. During follow up
another diverting ostomy was necessitated. After stabilization the small bowel
stomas were taken off and from hepatic flexure it was switched to diverting
colostomy. Distal feeding was performed
as if before. Patient was discharged postoperative 8th month with
normal stooling. Patient did well during follow up of 8 month with 9000 gr of
The patient was taken to the high dependency patients’ group
and appropriate nursing care is administered
with nursing diagnosis of “deterioration
in fluid-electrolyte balance, the risk of infection, impaired skin integrity,
family anxiety, risk of change in the infant-parent commitment, ineffective
managing risk of therapeutic regimen”.
In conclusion, congenital anomalies
in neonatales are a stressful family situation. Family management must also be
a part of the nursery along with a good nursing care of a newborn with
Çift stomalı, İntestinal Atrezili Olguda Hemşrelik Bakımı
M Boyacı, MS Arda, İ Yılmaz
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı
Barsağın bir
segmentinin tamamen yokluğu veya barsak lümeninin tamamen tıkanması anlamına
gelen intestinal atrezi, yenidoğan döneminde acil cerrahi girişim gerektiren
bir durumdur. Zaman zaman intestinal stoma yapılması gerekir. Prematüre
hastalarda stoma komplikasyonlarının daha fazla görüldüğü bildirilmiştir. Bu
çalışmada uzun süre tekli stoma ile takip edilen ve daha sonra ikinci stoma
açılması gereken prematüre olgunun hemşirelik bakımını sunduk.
Hasta üst düzey bağımlı hasta grubuna
alınarak ‘‘sıvı-elektrolit dengesinde bozulma, enfeksiyon riski, deri
bütünlüğünde bozulma, ailede anksiyete, bebek-ebeveyn bağlılığında değişim
riski, terapötik rejimi etkisiz yönetme riski’’ hemşirelik tanılarıyla
standartlara uygun bakım verilmiştir.
Sonuç olarak yenidoğanın konjenital
anomalileri ailede stres yaratan bir durumdur. Anomalili yenidoğana uygulanan
iyi bir hemşirelik bakımının yanında aileye yaklaşım da bakımın bir parçası