TÇCD 2014 32nd Annual Congress of Turkish Pediatric Surgical Association

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Laparoscopic approach in patients with hepatic hydatid cyst: a case associated with biliary tract.

~~Aim:  We present here a 13- year- old case with hepatic liver disease treated  by laparoscopic surgery.
Case: there was WHO type 3a hydatid  cyst  in the segment 5-7 of liver at 13-year-old boy. The laparoscopic cystotomy, partial cystectomy was performed by 4 port. Bile leakage was observed at the base of the cyst. Leakage Was sutured and  omentoplasty was performed.
Conclusion: the patients were discharged at 5 days after operation.

KC kist hidatik olgularında laparoskopik yaklaşım: safra yolları ile ilişkili bir olgu

~Amaç : Kc kist hidatik nedeniyle laparoskopik cerrahi uygulanan 13 yaşındaki olgu sunuldu.
Olgu: 13 yaşında erkek hastada Kc segment 5-7 de WHO tip 3a kist hidatik mevcuttu. Hastaya 5 mm 3 adet ve 10 mm lik bir adet trokarla laparoskopik kistotomi, parsiyel kistektomi uygulandı. Kist tabanında safra kaçağı gözlendi. Sütüre edilerek, omentoplasti uygulandı.
Sonuç: hasta post-op 5. günde şifa ile taburcu edildi.
