Poster - 122
Late Testicular Torsion After Previous Orchidopexy
E Ergün, B Türedi, F Mammadov, G Göllü, U Ateş, M Çakmak
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Aim: Undescended testicle is a common surgical inguinal region pathology in childhood. The undescended testicle is placed to supradartos pouch. It is thought that, after orchidopexy, the testicle would not to be torsioned or gone up again. It is aimed to present an unusual testicle torsion two years after orchidopexy, without any trauma history.
Case: Three years
old boy applied to the pediatric emergency service with complaints of left
scrotal pain and swelling. When his medical history was questioned, it is
learnt that he had a left orchidopexy two years ago. In physical examination he
had swollen and red left scrotum and it was very tender when palpated. Scrotal
doppler ultrasound examination was performed and it revealed that the left
scrotum was edematous and there was no circulation. The left scrotal
exploration revealed a 270 degree testicular torsion . It was detorsioned and
Result:Testicular torsion can be an emergency of scrotum as a late postoperative complication even in patients who had had orchidopexy previously.
İnmemiş testis ameliyatı sonrasında geç dönem testis torsiyonu
E Ergün, B Türedi, F Mammadov, G Göllü, U Ateş, M Çakmak
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı
Giriş: İnmemiş
testis; çocukluk çağında sıklıkla görülen tedavisi cerrahi olan inguinal bölge
problemlerindendir. İşlem sırasında testis supradartos poşa yerleştirilir,
daraltma işlemi uygulanır ve geç dönemde etraf dokulara yapışarak yukarı
kaçmayacağı ya da torsiyone olmayacağı düşünülür. İki yıl önce dış merkezde orşidopeksi
yapılmış olan testiste, travma öyküsü olmadan, gelişen testis torsiyonu olgusunun
sunulması amaçlandı.
Sonuç: İnmemiş
testis ameliyatı yapılan hastalarda da ender
olsa da geç dönem testis torsiyonunun, akut skrotum nedeni olabileceği akılda