Poster - 52
Some epidemiological aspects of GERD in a group of children with esophageal atresia
E Levkovich, K Marakhouski, A Sautin, A Svirsky
Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Surgery, Minsk, Belarus
Purpose: To highlight the epidemiological features of patients with EA and GERD in the Republic of Belarus.
Methods: Since 2017, all patients operated on for EA using primary repair have undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with multiple esophageal biopsies and pH-impedancemetry to monitor the esophageal condition. By December 2023, 84 patients were included. 81/84 (96,4%) children had type 3 EA, and 3/84 (3,6%) had type 5 atresia. Cases with incomplete data, children under 1 year of age, patients with eosinophilic esophagitis were excluded from the analysis. Two groups were identified: 12/84 (14,28%) children who underwent Nissen fundoplication and 72/84 (85,71%) non-operated patients.
Results: pH-impedancemetry was performed in 84 patients aged 4,35 (1,55-8,67) years, of whom 42/84 (50%) were boys. Among all subjects, 7/84 (8,33%) children aged 10,48 (8,22-13,04) years had undergone surgery before pH-metry, 4/7 (57,14%) of them were boys. In the primary study, GERD was diagnosed in 26/84 (30,95%) cases. In the group where fundoplication was performed, GERD was diagnosed in 2/12 (31,3%) patients aged 8,38 (3,74-12,8) years, 4/12 (33,3%) patients were boys. GERD was detected in 1/7 (14,28%) patients operated before pH-metry. In patients without fundoplication, GERD was detected in 24/72 (33,3%) patients with an average age of 4,11 (1,48-7,28) years, 38/72 (52,78%) children - boys. In 23/26 (88,5%) cases, GERD was diagnosed based on RI, and in 3/26 (11,5%) cases - based on NR. In the operated group, GERD was diagnosed based on RI in 2/2 (100%) cases, in the non-operated group in 21/24 (87,5%) based on RI and in 3/24 (12,5%) based on NR.
Conclusion: The gender ratio of patients with GERD in the national cohort of operated patients is 1:3. Our study shows an atypical GERD ratio of 1:1. In 87,5% of cases, GERD was diagnosed based on RI and in 3/24 (12,5%) based on NR.