Oral Presentation - 61
Laparoscopic Traction For The Abdominal Testis
S Shehata
Head of Pediatric Surgery Dept., Alexandria University , Egypt Middle East Reprst. of the WOFAPS
Aim: the aim of this study was to assess the medium term results of the technique of laparoscopic traction for the abdominal testis, specifically the use in high abdominal testis and the possibility of application in bilateral cases simultaneously.
The lower pole of the testis is attached with 2/0 Vicryl stitch which is fixed above the contralateral anterior superior iliac spine . The testis is fixed in position for 6 weeks . A second Laparoscopy is performed to locate the testis intrascrotally. Follow up was done after 6-18 months to check position and size of the testis and color Doppler was performed to check the vascualrity.
Twenty five children with intra-abdominal testis were operated upon laparoscopically between January 2005 to April 2009. Age ranged between 1 and 6 years (mean 1.6 yrs). Seven testes were right sided and 16 left sided and two cases bilateral (n=27 testes). 18 testes were low lying and 9 high abdominal testes Three tastes had slipping of the traction suture Position of the testis after minimum of 6 months postoperatively: High scrotal in 6 cases, Mid scrotal in 13 cases, Low scrotal in 7 cases. Atrophy in none, conversion on to Fowler Stephens in one.Follow up ranged for 6 to 18 months with (mean 12.7 months). .Doppler study showed normal vascualrity both venous and arterial.
Laparoscopic traction for the abdominal tests is a safe and effective technique. The technique was modified from the original version to simplify the postoperative care .the mechanism of elongation is probably due to the weight of intestine gradually stretches the tensed testicular artery Further extension of the technique to the high abdominal testis and the possibility of performing bilateral simultaneous traction add more dimensions and versatility for the technique