TÇCD 2023 40th Annual Congress of Turkish Pediatric Surgical Association Congress

Congress Program

Kayıt ve Açılış08:00 - 08:30

Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi Sempozyumu08:30 - 09:30

Prenatal Dönemden Perinatal Hayata Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Risk Değerlendirme - Merih Çetinkaya
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Solunum Desteği ve ECMO: Kime? Nasıl? Ne zaman? - Ömer Erdeve

Moderator(s): Esin Koç, Hüseyin İlhan

Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi Sempozyumu09:30 - 10:30

Pulmoner Hipertansiyon Tedavisinde Ne Değişti? - Fuat Emre Canpolat
Cerrahi Zamanlama - Gülnur Göllü Bahadır

Moderator(s): Şule Yiğit, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa

Kahve Arası10:30 - 11:00

Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi Sempozyumu11:30 - 13:30

Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Cerrahi Onarım: Açık mı? Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi mi? - Gürsu Kıyan
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Uzun Dönem Sonuçlar - Ebru Yalçın
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia as a Rare Disease and Patient Registries - Reine Wijnen

Moderator(s): Tutku Soyer, Ömer Erdeve

Açılış ve Tarihçe Oturumu16:00 - 18:00

Bizler O’nu ve Cumhuriyet’imizi Çok Sevmiştik

Speaker(s): Cenk Büyükünal

Moderator(s): Hüseyin İlhan, Bahar Çakırhan

Video Oturumu (1)Salon A | 08:00 - 09:00

Chairmen: Gülce Hakgüder, Özkan Gezer, Kutay Bahadır

VP - 1 A New Era in Pediatric Esophageal Replacement: Robotic Gastric Pull-up
Z Dökümcü, S Hasan, Ü Çeltik, C Özcan
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
VP - 2 Laparoscopic management of Choledocholithiasis complicated with cholangitis in a six month old premature infant
D İnal*, A Mammadli*, K Bahadır**, E Ekiyor*, E Ergün*, M Bingöl Koloğlu*
*Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya
VP - 3 Technical details of Kasai portoenterostomy and extrahepatic biliary cyst excision in an infant with cystic biliary atresia: Video presentation
E Evin, B Hasarma, E Ergün, M Bingöl-Koloğlu
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
VP - 4 Laparoscopic Rectopexy for Pediatric Chronic Rectal Prolapse
H Ulman, AE Boztaş Demir, G Özyüksel, C Bilir
Bakırcay University Çiğli Training and Education Hospital, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
Ö Ekici*, İ Yıldırım*, G Korkmaz*, OM Çevik*, E Erten**, HE Atasever*, SE Ünlü Ballı*, E Mambet*, GB Bahadır*, MB Çalışkan*, İ Sürer*, S Demirbağ*
*Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
VP - 6 Treatment of type 4a choledochal cyst in children; laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy
MN Gürel*, A Ertürk**, S Demir*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
VP - 7 Minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of biliary atresia
AG Kiriş Uzun*, A Ertürk**, Cİ Öztorun**, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, D Kısıklı*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
VP - 8 Perineal Approach in Correction of Female Epispadias and Providing Continence
C Erdener Çeliktürk*, İ İnanç*, D Avlan**
*Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
VP - 9 Safe application of PIRS technique with filling cannula needle in male inguinal hernia repair
A Kandırıcı, Aİ Dokucu
Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology, İstanbul
VP - 10 Use of PIRS with thoracoscopic intracorporeal suturing in congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair
İ Akbaş*, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, Ş Demirkaya*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery

Panel (1)Salon A | 09:00 - 10:00

New Insights in the Management of Congenital Hyperinsulinism

Speaker(s): Paolo de Coppi, Hüseyin Demirbilek, Murat Tuncel

Moderator(s): Muhammed Abdel Aziz, Şenol Emre, Özlem Boybeyi

Kahve Arası10:00 - 10:30

Konferans (1)Salon A | 10:30 - 11:00

Testis Kitlelerine Yaklaşım

Speaker(s): Mete Kaya

Moderator(s): Kaan Sönmez

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -1Salon A | 11:00 - 12:00


Chairmen: İlhan Çiftçi, Hatice Sonay Yalçın Cömert, Ahmet Atıcı

OP - 1 Neurodevelopmental outcomes of neonates with surgically treated necrotizing enterocolitis(4+2 dk)
KK Cerit*, İB Aksu*, N Tursun**, DM Albayrak***, ABE Yıldırım***, H Özdemir****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**University of Florida Collage of Medicine, Department of General Surgery
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
****Marmara University School Of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology
OP - 2 The Prognostic Impact of Defect Size Based on Body Surface Area in Omphaloceles(4+2 dk)
D Sevinç, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
MB Tepe, B Erginel, HH Tanrıöver, OH Kocaman, E Keskin, F Gün Soysal
Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
OD Ayvaz*, S Cansaran*, A Celayir*, ZE Erol**
*University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
**Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine
OP - 5 Neonatal Intestinal Perforations: Which Patient Should We Perform a Rectal Biopsy on?(4+2 dk)
Ö Balcı, A Karaman, AN Abay, İ Karaman
University of Health Sciences Turkey, Ankara Dr. Sami Ulus Children's Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital
OP - 6 NEC or Hirschsprung?(4+2 dk)
S Görmüş, G Şalcı, HS Yalçın Cömert, M İmamoğlu, H Sarıhan
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Trabzon
OP - 7 Surgical Outcomes of Intestinal Atresia: A Single-Center Experience(4+2 dk)
S Müftüoğulları*, Cİ Öztorun**, EE Erten*, SA Bostancı*, A Ertürk**, Y Yılmaz*, S Demir*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 8 Retrospective analysis of secondary surgical requirement in jejunoileal atresia surgical treatment(4+2 dk)
D Avcı, M Cevhertaş, Ü Çeltik, A Çelik, MO Ergün
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
OP - 9 Management of Pygopagus Twins(4+2 dk)
B Tander*, B Erginel**, S Ustalar***, H Ağır****, M Özek*****, A Çıtak******, M Çevik*, S Aksöyek**
*Acibadem University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Unit
***Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology
****Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Department of Plastic Surgery
*****Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery
******Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
OP - 10 The outcomes of laparoscopic gastrostomy and fundoplication in neonates and young infants: Pitfalls and pearls(4+2 dk)
M Rüzgar, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery

Yeterlik SınavıSalon B | 10:30 - 12:00

Uydu-1Salon A | 12:00 - 12:30

Göğüs Kafesi Deformitelerinde Cerrahi Dışı Yöntemler

Speaker(s): Mustafa Yüksel

Moderator(s): Gürsu Kıyan

Öğle Arası12:30 - 13:30

Poster Yürüyüşü-112:30 - 13:30


Chairmen: Levent Duman, Tamer Sekmenli, Hakan Güney

P - 1 Staged Thoracoscopic Internal Traction In Long Gap Isolated Esophageal Atresia: Our First Experience
P Khalilova, E Ergün, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 2 Does esophageal atresia make the recovery from scoliosis surgery more difficult during physical therapy?
D Bayraktar
Department of Ortopaedic Surgery Faculty of Medicine, Ege University
P - 3 The usage of esophageal silicone stent in the treatment of esophagoplevral fistula in a child with an operated esophageal atresia with advanced esophagus stricture
G Kadakal Köken, A Celayir, S Cansaran
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
P - 4 A Rare Case of Bartholin's Cyst Abscess in a 27-day-old Newborn
A Kalyoncu Ayçenk
Ordu University Research and Training Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department
P - 5 Thoracoscopic TEF/EA Repair In A Very Low Birth Weighted Baby
P Khalilova, E Ergün, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 6 Proper use of silver nitrate in neonatal umbilical granuloma
MA Narsat
Kastamonu University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 7 Importance of Pediatric Surgeons in Antenatally Councils
A Alptekin
Istanbul Aydın University, Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 8 Vacuum-assisted closure in a complicated abdominal wound after necrotizing enterocolitis in a premature newborn, review of the literature
S Dayı, M Anayurt, F Çınar, S Sancar
Bursa City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
P - 9 Approach To Babies With Necrotizing Enterocolitis With Body Weight of 1000 g And Less: 8 Years' Experience
P Khalilova, B Hasarma, D İnal, E Ergün
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 10 Late Diagnosed Esophageal Atresia Despite Polyhydramnios and a Sibling with Esophageal Atresia
S Cansaran, Gİ Sarar, A Celayir, OD Ayvaz
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children's Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
P - 11 Acute Necrotizan Appendicisitis In Low Birth-Weight Preterm Neonate: A Case Report
YE Köstekçi*, B Önen Ocak**, E Ekiyor***, K Gücenmez***, F Demirtaş*, E Ergün***, A Mehdili**, G Göllü***, E Okulu*, Ö Erdeve*, S Arslan*, B Atasay*
*Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology
**Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
***Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery

Poster Yürüyüşü-112:30 - 13:30


Chairmen: Tugay Tartar, Onursal Varlıklı, Özgür Çağlar

P - 12 Case presentation of ectopic parathyroid adenoma
S Aydöner*, A Pirim*, Aİ Anadolulu*, A Önder**, B Baysal***, H Tözüm****, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa*
*Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
***Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
****Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Thoracic Surgery
P - 13 The Great Danger in Late Presenting Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias; Acute Gastric Volvulus
G Biçer, B Arıkan Köse, Ö Çağlar, Ö Balcı
Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 14 Our highly effective minimally invasive surgical outcomes for congenital lung malformations: Our Clinical Experience
İ Akbaş, SA Bostancı, EE Erten, B Başaran, H KESKİN FAKILI, VS Çayhan, AN Abay, Cİ Öztorun, A Ertürk, S Demir, MN Azılı, E Şenel
Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
P - 15 Management of recurrent fistulas in patients with esophageal atresia
AE Hakalmaz*, B Karakurt*, A Kalyoncu Uçar**, P Kendigelen***, R Özcan*, G Topuzlu Tekant*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
***Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
P - 16 Characteristics of additional problems in asthenic morphotype adolescent patients with chest wall and spine deformities
MÖ Kuzdan, F Saraç, ZT Akbaş
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
P - 17 Non-invasive treatment option in the treatment of pectus excavatum and carinatum in children: Vacuum and orthoses method
M Anayurt, S Sancar, İ Güngör, S Dayı
Bursa City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 18 Efficiency of Negative Pressure Continuous Aspiration System in the Presence of Refractory Pneumothorax, Pleural Effusion and Chylothorax in Children
F Çelik, A Özcan, A Parlak, AN Gürpınar
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 19 Congenital malformations of the lung: Single centre 10-year experience
EB Özbulut, B Dağdemir Ezber, S Hancıoğlu, B Yağız, BD Demirel, E Arıtürk, F Bernay
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Samsun, Turkey
P - 20 Pneumomediastinum in Children: Analysis of 26 Cases
E Yüksel Tatar, O Varlıklı, MA Akay
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department
P - 21 Do clinical and radiology findings affect the decision of surgical treatment in children diagnosed with primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
Ş Demirci*, N Sever*, Ş Yeşilkaya*, B Erginel**, M Kaba*, M Demir*, C Hamzaoğlu*, ÇA Karadağ*
*University of Health Sciences,Hamidiye Etfal City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İstanbul
**Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 22 The effect of the duration of bronchoscopy on treatment results in infant and pediatric patients with foreign body aspiration
Ş Çolak, C İsbir, H Taşkınlar, A Naycı
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical School of Mersin University, Mersin

Poster Yürüyüşü-112:30 - 13:30

Genel Konular

Chairmen: Murat Mutuş, Hakan Kocaman, Allahverdi Musayev

P - 23 Valentino's Syndrome in Children; Myth or fact?
EB Özbulut*, B Dağdemir Ezber*, S Hancıoğlu*, BD Demirel*, CB Aker**, B Yağız*
*Ondokuz Mayıs University department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ondokuz Mayıs University Division Of Pediatric Gastroenterology
S Teğin*, E Basuguy**, TO Kamçı**, H Aydoğdu**, MH Okur**
*Şırnak State Hospital Pediatric Surgery Clinic
**Dicle University Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Section of Pediatric Urology, Diyarbakır
P - 25 Treatment of exophthalmos in a patient with Graves’ disease: Orbital radiotherapy after total thyroidectomy
A Ergün*, Y Kart*, E Bilaloğlu*, EE Özkan**, L Duman*
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Süleyman Demirel University Medical School, Isparta, Turkey
**Süleyman Demirel University, Medicine of Faculty, Isparta
P - 26 Laparoscopic Gonadectomy in Children with Disorders of Sex Development
B Erginel*, G Karlı*, N Mustafayeva*, Ş Poyrazoğlu**, E Keskin***, FG Soysal*
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism
***Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
P - 27 Comparison of the efficacy of crystallized phenol and liquid phenol in the treatment of pilonidal sinus disease in children
G Korkmaz, GB Bahadır, SE Ünlü Ballı, HE Atasever, İ Yıldırım, Ö Ekici, OM Çevik, E Mambet, B Çalışkan, S Demirbağ, İ Sürer
Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 28 Efficiency of laser ablation in the surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus
M Çakmak, A Baş, M Yazıcı, Mö kuzdan, F Saraç
P - 29 Comparative analysis of laparoscopic and open surgical techniques for nonparasitic splenic cyst management in children: A proposed prediction index
B Karaaslan*, MÖ Kuzdan*, A Baş**, M Çakmak**, T Erdem Şit*, B Zeytinoğlu Kayrancıoğlu*
*Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
P - 30 A new method in the treatment of childhood pilonidal sinus: Laser-assisted endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment
B Bal, S Türker Çolak, K Tutuş, ŞS Kılıç, Ö Özden, M Alkan, R Tuncer
Department of Pediatrc Surgery, Çukurova University Medical Faculty, Adana, Turkey
P - 31 Anomalies of branchial cleft; retrospective analysis of 39 cases
M Sarıkaya*, F Özcan Sıkı*, M Gündüz*, T Sekmenli*, M atılgan**, İ Çiftçi*
*University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 32 Laparoscopic peritone biopsy in the diagnosis of pediatric primary tuberculosis peritonitis
C İsbir*, E Yeşil**, H Taşkınlar*, A Naycı*
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical School of Mersin University, Mersin
**Mersin University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Mersin, Turkey
P - 33 Imperforate hymen: Five different presentations
A Yucak Özdemir*, HA Akoğlu**, F Beşiroğlu Çetin***
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical Faculty, Giresun University
**Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty, Giresun University
***Giresun Obstetrics and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Giresun, Turkey.
P - 34 Laparoscopic Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Repair with Percutaneous İnternal Ring Suturing with More Fine Needle and Suture; A 5-Year Experience of A Single Surgeon
A Kalyoncu Ayçenk
Ordu University Research and Training Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department
P - 35 A Rare Condition: Coexistence of Amyand and Littre's Hernia
B Tagman, S Metin, MA Akay, O Varlıklı
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department
P - 36 A strange foreign body in the peritoneal cavity of an infant: Broken injection needle
Ü Bakal, T Tartar, T Akkuş, A Tümer, YE Dumandağ, A Kazez
Firat University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Elazig, Turkey

Poster Yürüyüşü-112:30 - 13:30

Hepatobilier/Üst GİS

Chairmen: Fatih Çelik, Seyithan Özaydın , Özkan Cesur

P - 37 Isolated Cystic Duct cyst: A rare variant of Choledochal cyst
F Beci, İB Usta, H Çayırlı, Hİ Tanrıverdi, A Şencan, C Günşar
Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
P - 38 Management of a spontaneously ruptured intraperitoneal hydatid cyst
SM Tilev, C Ceran Özcan
Kartal Dr. Lutfi Kirdar City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
P - 39 The Effect of Somatostatin in an Infant with Choledochal Perforation
C Erdener Çeliktürk, S Yıldız, MS Köprülü, M İnan
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 40 Ectopic gallbladder mimicking hepatic cyst: Use of hepatocyte-spefic MRCP in the diagnosis
E Yüksel*, B Oğuz**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Department of Radiology
P - 41 A Disease with Changing Etiology and Increasing Incidence in Childhood: Cholelithiasis
M Metin, N Sönmezer, H İpek, G Doğan, ÇE Afşarlar
Hitit University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 42 Multidiciplinary Approach In Adolescents Morbid Obesity
E Ekiyor*, P Khalilova*, E Ergün*, Ö Selvi Can**, E Özsu***, Z Şıklar***, C Tuna Kırsaçlıoğlu****, N Çobanoğlu*****, T Uçar******, B Öncü*******, A Yağmurlu*, G Göllü*
*Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University School Of Medicine Department Of Anesthesiology And Reanimation
***Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
****Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology
*****Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Pulmonology
******Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology
*******Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Psychiatry
AE Boztaş Demir, M Hoşgör
University of Health Sciences Dr. Behcet Uz Child Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir,
P - 44 Surgical management of gastric outlet obstruction other than hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
F Çelik, H Bilgi, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 45 Comparison of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Surgical Gastrostomy in patients with gastrostomy catheter: A 10-year single center experience
M Sarıkaya, F Özcan Sıkı, T Sekmenli, M Gündüz, G Kaygısız Bayındır, İ Çiftçi
University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
K Öztürk Yüzdemir, T Soyer, Ö Boybeyi
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
P - 47 Endoscopic Balloon Dilation of Esophageal Strictures in Children with Esophageal Atresia: 19 Years’ Experience
U Ateş, E Ergün, E Ekiyor, P Khalilova, M Bingöl-Koloğlu, A Yağmurlu, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 48 an effective treatment method for the management of complications of gastrostomy entrance site: bottle pacifier
N İsmayilzade, F Çelik, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 49 A case of annular pancreas presenting with gastric pneumatosis
İ İnanç, S Yıldız, M Keskin Çakıcı, ÜN Başaran
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery

Bronkoskopi Kursu - StorzSalon B | 12:30 - 13:30

Moderator(s): Hakan Taşkınlar, Halil İbrahim Tanrıverdi

Salon A | 13:30 - 14:00

Çocuk Cerrahisinde Enteral ve Parenteral Beslenme: Güncel Yaklaşımlar

Speaker(s): Orkan Ergün, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa

Moderator(s): Tutku Soyer, Hatice Pars

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -2Salon A | 14:00 - 15:00


Chairmen: Tolga Dağlı, Zafer Dökümcü, Esra Özçakır

OP - 11 Thoracoscopic approach to anomalous pulmonary arteries and abnormal pulmonary venous return in children(4+2 dk)
Ü Çeltik*, O Tuncer**, L Ertürk***, Z Dökümcü*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
***Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology
AE Boztaş Demir, AD Payza, A Oral
University of Health Sciences Dr. Behcet Uz Child Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir,
OP - 13 Long term outcomes of colonic interposition(4+2 dk)
O Uzaslan*, AE Hakalmaz*, S Kuruğoğlu**, AÇ Tütüncü***, R Özcan*, G Topuzlu Tekant*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
***Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
G Şalcı, ÜT Öztürk, HS Yalçın Cömert, M İmamoğlu, H Sarıhan
Karadeniz Technical University Medical School Pediatric Surgery Department, Trabzon
OP - 15 Lost in Lungs: Investigating Delayed Diagnosis in Foreign Body Aspiration(4+2 dk)
A Nallı, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
University Of Medical Sciences, Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 16 Reevaluating Pediatric Spontaneous Pneumothorax Management: Role of Bullae in Guiding Early VATS Intervention(4+2 dk)
Ö Erincin, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 17 When should surgical treatment be applied in patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax?(4+2 dk)
F Beceren, İB Usta, H Çayırlı, Ö Yılmaz, Hİ Tanrıverdi
Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
OP - 18 Is pneumomediastinum in children a condition that requires intervention?(4+2 dk)
B Altundal, H Deliağa, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 19 Contribution of intrathoracic intercostal cryoanalgesia (IIC) used during minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE): Preliminary Results(4+2 dk)
M Cevhertaş*, H Donbaloğlu*, C Şahutoğlu**, Ü Çeltik*, C Özcan*, ÜZ Dökümcü*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department Of Anesthesiology, İzmir, TURKEY
OP - 20 Minimally invasive surgery for congenital diaphragmatic hernias: safe for all types of hernia(4+2 dk)
H Özcan, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery

Kahve Arası15:00 - 15:30

Konferans (2)Salon A | 15:30 - 16:00

Çocuk Cerrahisinde Florosan Görüntüleme

Speaker(s): Aydın Şencan

Moderator(s): Mustafa İmamoğlu

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -3Salon A | 16:00 - 17:00


Chairmen: Cüneyt Günşar, Sezen Özkısacık, Çağatay Evrim Afşarlar

HE Atasever, GB Bahadır, İ Sürer
Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 22 Comparison of the Results of JJ Stent and Ureterocutaneous Stent Applications in Cases with Ureteroneocystostomy(4+2 dk)
B Doğdu, Ö Okur, A Oral
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 23 The use of intraoperative microvascular doppler during subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in children reduces complications(4+2 dk)
C Kaya*, S Eryılmaz*, A Kapısız*, A Atan**, R Karabulut*, Z Türkyılmaz*, K Sönmez*
*Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Pediatric Surgery
**Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Urology
OP - 24 Age-Related Complications in Primary Penile Hypospadias after Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty and Associated Malformations(4+2 dk)
B Sönmez, A Şencan
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 25 Upwards Massage with a Topical Corticosteroid to the Ventral Grafted Side of the Penis Between Stages of Bracka Hypospadias Repair May Reduce Recurrent Curvature(4+2 dk)
H Ulman*, S Tiryaki**, A Tekin**, İ Ulman**
*Bakırcay University Çiğli Training and Education Hospital, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
**Ege University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, İzmir, Turkey
OP - 26 Proximal hypospadias management: 22 years of clinical experience in a single center(4+2 dk)
M Dede*, A Akbulut**, ME Balkan**, N Kılıç**
*Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
OP - 27 Surgical approach to peeping testicle: What may be the first choice?(4+2 dk)
S Sancar, M Anayurt, S Dayı
Bursa City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 28 Clinical and urodynamics outcomes in pediatric primary bladder diverticula: A comparative study(4+2 dk)
B Karaaslan, MÖ Kuzdan, F Saraç, M Akalın, G Karakulak, N Akcan
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
OP - 29 Comparison of the results of ECMB flap with limited urethral mobilization, TIP and MAGPI techniques in distal hypospadias repair: Single surgeon experience(4+2 dk)
S Kılıç
Gebze Yuzyil Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 30 The Relationship Between Postoperative Radiological Findings and Treatment Outcomes in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Palomo Varicocelectomy(4+2 dk)
Ö Okur, B Sönmez, M Can, H Evciler, A Oral
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery

Salon B | 16:30 - 17:30

Genç Çocuk Cerrahları Oturumu

Moderator(s): Gonca Gerçel, Aybegüm Kalyoncu, Hilmican Ulman

Panel (2)Salon A | 17:00 - 18:00

Karşıt Görüş: Yenidoğanda UP Darlıkta Drenaj mı? Erken Pyeloplasti mi?

Speaker(s): Haluk Emir, Tuğrul Tiryaki

Moderator(s): Ünal Zorludemir, Arzu Şencan

SERBEST20:00 - 23:00

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -4Salon A | 08:00 - 09:00

Genel Konular

Chairmen: Mustafa İnan, Başak Erginel, Alev Süzen

OP - 31 Does aromatase enzyme gene variant have a role in the etiology of cryptorchidism?(4+2 dk)
T Kaya Kurt*, A Süzen**, Ç Özdemir***, T Edgünlü***, M Kurt**, R Güngörmüş**
*Mugla Mentese Government Hospital
**Mugla Sitki Kocman University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Mugla Sitki Kocman University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biology and Genetics
M Kutlu, A Oral, M Can, M Coşkun, A Hüvez, S Yıldırım
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 33 Analysis Of The Effects Of Exosomes Derived From Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells On Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Of The Testes Through Cell Death Pathways In Experimental Testicular Torsion Model(4+2 dk)
A Şencan*, H Kabadayı Ensarioğlu**, FB Şimşek*, H Çayırlı*, HS Vatansever**
*Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Manisa Celal Bayar University, Medical School, Department of Histology-Embryology, Manisa
OP - 34 Evaluation of non-technical skills of pediatric surgery and urology teams in the operating room(4+2 dk)
N Çelik*, Ş Sarmasoğlu Kılıkçıer**, M Elçin***, G Keskin****, M Akın*****, S Özmert*****, E Şenel******
*Ankara City Hospital, Children's Hospital; Pediatric Surgery ICU
**Hacettepe University, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing
***Hacettepe University Medical School Department of Medical Education and İnformatics
****Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation
*****Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Ankara
******Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 35 The Use of Nerve Monitoring in Thyroid Surgery Which in a Rare Surgery GroupMay Reduce Complication Rate (4+2 dk)
C Erdener Çeliktürk*, F Özgüç Çömlek**, YA Sezer***, F Tütüncüler Kökenli****, M İnan*
*Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Selçuk University, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
***Trakya University Department of General Surgery
****Trakya University Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
OP - 36 Evaluation of Hypertrophic Scars after Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery(4+2 dk)
SE Ünlü Ballı*, HE Atasever**, GB Bahadır**, G Korkmaz**, İ Yıldırım**, Ö Ekici**, OM Çevik**, E Mambet**, MB Çalışkan**, İ Sürer**, S Demirbağ**
*Gaziantep Sehitkamil State Hospital
**Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
AD Payza, AE Boztaş Demir, A Oral
University of Health Sciences Dr. Behcet Uz Child Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir,
OP - 38 Laparoscopic-assisted surgery: could it be better than laparoscopy?(4+2 dk)
EB Özbulut, B Dağdemir Ezber, M Çelenk, S Hancıoğlu, B Yağız, BD Demirel
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Samsun, Turkey
OP - 39 Pediatric Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (PEPSIT) versus Limberg Flap for the Surgical Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus in Pediatric Patients(4+2 dk)
B Erginel*, M Çevik**, E Doğan***, B Togay***, B Tander****
*Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Altunizade Acibadem Hospital
**Acibadem University Atakent Hospital
***Acibadem University. Faculty of Medicine
****Acibadem Hospitals, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 40 Analysis of One-Year Surgical Cases and Their Characteristics in a University Hospital Pediatric Surgery Clinic: A Residency Training Perspective(4+2 dk)
G Arkan, FN Aracıer Uçaner, LN Türker, C Kaya, S Eryılmaz, A Kapısız, R Karabulut
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Pediatric Surgery

Panel-(3)Salon A | 09:00 - 10:00

Hirschsprung Hastalığında Olgularla Tanı ve Tedavide Güçlükler

Speaker(s): İrfan Kırıştıoğlu, Abdülkerim Temiz, Berat Dilek Demirel

Moderator(s): Recep Tuncer, Müjdem Nur Azılı

Kahve Arası10:00 - 10:30

Panel (4)Salon A | 10:30 - 12:00

Sister Society Meeting: EPSA & TAPS

Speaker(s): Mohammed Abdel Aziz, Adham Elsaid, Berktuğ Bahadır

Moderator(s): Mustafa Melikoğlu, Suzi Demirbağ, Aydın Yağmurlu

Uydu-(2)Salon A | 12:00 - 12:30

Çocuklarda Aşırı Aktif Mesane Tanısı ve Propiverin Tedavisi

Speaker(s): İbrahim Ulman

Moderator(s): Murat Çakmak

Öğle Arası12:30 - 13:30

Poster Yürüyüşü-212:30 - 13:30


Chairmen: Tuğba Acer Demir, Meltem Çağlar, Önder Özden

P - 50 A different approach in cervicothoracal neuroblastoma: Trapdoor incision
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, N Eker**, E Demirbaş***, A Dağçınar****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
****Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery
P - 51 Metastatic Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma: Case Report
M Çağlar*, F Ersoy**, İA Özemir***, MN Hepokur****, SG Bozbeyoğlu*****, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa*
*Istanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcin Sehir Hastanesi, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Department of Pediatric Surgery Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Goztepe Prof Dr Suleyman Yalcin Sehir Hastanesi, Istanbul
***Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın City Hospital, General Surgery Clinic
****Istanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcin Sehir Hastanesi, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
*****Istanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe, Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcın City Hospital, Department of Radiology
P - 52 A Rare Case with Prepubertal Gynecomastia: Large Cell Calcified Sertoli Cell Testicular Tumor
İB Usta*, F Beci*, H Çayırlı*, Hİ Tanrıverdi*, S Kılıç**, B Ersoy**, C Günşar*
*Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Diviion of Pediatric Endocrinology, Manisa, Turkey
P - 53 Metastatic osteosarcoma: Rare cause of an adrenal mass
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, M Jafarov*, N Eker**, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
P - 54 A different approach to pancreatic neck mass: Central pancreatectomy
A Temiz, HÖ Gezer, G Bairamovi, C Erdoğan
Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 55 Giant parathyroid adenoma diagnosed late as a rare cause of skeletal disorders and bone fractures
Ö Cesur*, D Çalışkan*, SA Uçaktürk**
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
**Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
P - 56 Is fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) a reliable method for identifying cancer in children with thyroid pathology?
MN Azılı*, C Azılı**, SA Bostancı***, EE Erten***, VS Çayhan***, R Kar****, AU Uzun***, S Müftüoğulları***, Cİ Öztorun*, A Ertürk*, S Demir*****, N Sarı******, M Boyraz*******, E Şenel*
*Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University, Department of Surgical Oncology
***Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
****Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
*****University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
******Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Oncology
*******Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
P - 57 Determination Of Reliable Markers Predicting Malignancy in Pediatric Thyroid Nodules
MN Azılı*, C Azılı**, SA Bostancı***, EE Erten***, VS Çayhan***, Cİ Öztorun*, S Demir****, A Ertürk*, İ Akbaş***, T Jumazade***, F Gürbüz*****, D Özyörük******, E Şenel*
*Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University, Department of Surgical Oncology
***Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
****University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
*****Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Deparment of Pediatric Endocrinology
******Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Oncology
D Sevinç, B Toker Kurtmen, EB Çığşar Kuzu
SBU, İzmir Tepecik Training Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
P - 59 Our Approach to Breast Mass in the Adolescent Age Group
F Özcan Sıkı*, M Sarıkaya**, T Sekmenli**, M Gündüz**, İ Yağmurlu**, İ Çiftçi**
*Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 60 Trichoblastoma in a Newborn
MS Köprülü, C Erdener Çeliktürk, M İnan
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 61 A rare neck lesion in children: Bilateral chondrocutenous branchial remnant
T Tığlı*, D Orhan**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Pathology

Poster Yürüyüşü-212:30 - 13:30


Chairmen: Gül Doğan, Mehmet Emin Çelikkaya, Ülgen Çeltik

P - 62 Diagnosis and management of mesenteric injury after blunt abdominal trauma
C Direksiz, N Ertürk, A Süzen, R Güngörmüş, M Kurt, M Coşkun
Mugla Sitki Kocman University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 63 A Renal Injury Caused By Sewing Needle
A Ummahan, ÜN İrdem Köse, Ö Çağlar
University of Health Sciences, Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
P - 64 Laparoscopic splenorrhaphy for splenic injury after blunt abdominal trauma: a case report
S Müftüoğulları, Cİ Öztorun, B Başaran, MN Azılı, E Şenel
Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
P - 65 Useful outcomes of Vacuum closure and negative pressure wound therapy in children with acute compartment syndrome: lessons from the Kahramanmaras earthquake of 2023
Ş Demirkaya*, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, MN Gürel*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
P - 66 An extraordinary case of corrosive burn: burned glans penis
S Sertkaya, H Deliağa, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 67 The shame of humanıty; refugees/asylum seeker chıldren burns
ON İş*, F Akkaya*, YB Aydın*, F Turgul*, SA Bostancı**, Cİ Öztorun***, EE Erten**, A Ertürk****, S Demir*****, MN Azılı***, E Şenel****
*Ankara City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department, Ankara
**Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
***Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
****Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
*****University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
P - 68 Non-firearm related penetratıng thorax and abdomen trauma: Experiences of 100 children in a pediatric trauma center
EE Erten*, Cİ Öztorun**, B Başaran*, VS Çayhan*, A Ertürk**, S Demir*, SA Bostancı*, Ş Demirkaya*, Y Yılmaz*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 69 Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration in a Child Following Earthquake Collapse
B Karbuzoğlu, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 70 Thoracoscopic Exploration and Repair of Diaphragm Lacerations Seen in Sharp-Puncture Injuries Below the Breast Level
G Aydınbaş, T Acer Demir, K Şeref, Ö Çağlar
University of Health Sciences, Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
P - 71 A corrosive substance using for preparation of pickles; Results of pediatric patients who accidentally swallowed of white vinegar
A Atıcı, L Miçooğulları, B Uğur, ME Çelikkaya, B Akçora
Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery Hatay
P - 72 Central Venous Catheterization With Wireless Ultrasonography Probe And Smart Glasses: A Pilot Application
P Khalilova, E Ekiyor, E Ergün, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery

Poster Yürüyüşü-212:30 - 13:30


Chairmen: Mustafa Kemal Aslan, Murat Kaya, Oktay Ulusoy

P - 73 Long term outcomes of transanal endorectal pull-through procedure in rectosigmoid Hirschsprung disease
AE Hakalmaz*, T Rahimli*, M Guliyev*, M Önenerk**, S Kuruğoğlu***, R Özcan*, G Topuzlu Tekant*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology
***İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
P - 74 Factors determining the success of hydrostatic reduction in children with intussusception and treatment protocol
AN Abay*, EE Erten*, SA Bostancı*, VS Çayhan*, M Şahin*, SK Balcı*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, Y Yılmaz*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 75 Determination of follow-up criteria for uncomplicated appendicitis treated wıth nonoperative antibiotherapy in children
İB Usta*, Hİ Tanrıverdi**, F Taneli***, C Günşar*
*Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
***Manisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Biochemistry, Manisa, TURKEY
P - 76 Water-soluble contrast agent in adhesive small bowel obstruction: Results of our prospective preliminary study
G Gerçel, S Sağ, FA Canbaz, E Karadeniz Güngörmez, Y Sönmez, A Çay
University of Health Sciences, Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
P - 77 Evaluating the effect of methylprednisolone on ischemic injury in an experimental intussusception model in rats
T Pamuk*, S Hancıoğlu*, S Çalışkan**, B Yağız*, BD Demirel*
*Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Samsun, Turkey
**Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Samsun, Turkey
P - 78 Anal Canal Duplication: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Surgical Approach to a Rare Anomaly
C Şahin, E Saygı, A Kaymakcı
Health Sciences University Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 79 Meckel's Diverticulum; 15 Years of Experience
S Karagüzel, S Metin, MA Akay, O Varlıklı
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department
P - 80 Before, during and after COVID-19 in appendectomy cases: analysis of clinical practices and experiences
OM Çevik*, HE Atasever*, G Korkmaz*, İ Yıldırım*, Ö Ekici*, SE Ünlü Ballı*, E Erten**, E Mambet*, MB Çalışkan*, GB Bahadır*, İ Sürer*, S Demirbağ*
*Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
P - 81 Can ischemia-modified albumin be a helpful marker in the diagnosis and follow-up of childhood intussusception?
Ç Kocaoğlu*, C Kocaoğlu**, H Madenci**
*Konya City Hospital Department of Pediatric Intensive Care, Konya
**Konya City Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery, Konya
P - 82 Evaluation of 40 children with Hirschsprung's Disease who underwent transanal endorectal pull-through: a retrospective study
MH Çakmak, A Celayir, S Cansaran, OD Ayvaz
University of Health Science, Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children’s Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İstanbul
P - 83 Late diagnosis? Late application? Adolescent Hirschsprung's Disease
CB Ünal, B Karaaslan, MÖ Kuzdan, F Saraç
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic

Poster Yürüyüşü-212:30 - 13:30


Chairmen: Bilge Karabulut, Cem Kaya, Mehmet Ali Özen

P - 84 Congenital Megaprepuce: A Case Report
C Hamzaoğlu, ÇA Karadağ, M Kaba, Ş Demirci, N Sever
Health Sciences University, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal SUAM, Pediatric Surgery Departmant, Istanbul
P - 85 Leydig cell tumor mimicking testicular adrenal rest tumor in a 8-year-old boy with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a case report with literature review
K Bahadır*, S Ural*, Cİ Başsorgun**, M Parlak***, G Karagüzel*
*Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya
**Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pathology, Antalya
***Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Antalya
P - 86 A Case Performed Vaginal Reconstruction with Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome
S Sağ, FA Canbaz, Y Sönmez, E Karadeniz, A Çay
University of Health Sciences, Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
P - 87 A rare cause of hematuria in childhood: cystitis glandularis
E Ceylan, O Ulusoy, O Ateş, G Hakgüder, M Olguner, F Akgür
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical school, İzmir
P - 88 Phaloplasty in Childhood
G Demirtaş*, HM Ergani**, S Tağcı***, B Karabulut***, HT Tiryaki***
*Erzurum City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
**Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Plastic Surgery Clinic
***Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
P - 89 Management of recurrent phimosis complication after infancy circumcision
G Şakul*, N Babaev**
*Karabuk University Medical Faculty Pediatric Surgery Department
**Karabuk University Research and Training Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department
P - 90 Combined treatment of catastrophically lost penis post-circumcision with proximal penile mobilization, tunneled composite anterior-lateral inguinal skin flap, buccal mucosal graft and hyperbaric oxygen: An alternative approach and review of literatur
S Özaydın
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Education and Research Hospital Departments of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology
P - 91 A Rare Type of Kidney’s Fusion and Rotation Anomalies: The Sigmoid Kidney
HE Atasever*, İ Yıldırım*, G Korkmaz*, Ö Ekici*, OM Çevik*, SE Ünlü Ballı**, E Erten***, GB Bahadır*, E Mambet*, MB Çalışkan*, İ Sürer*, S Demirbağ*
*Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Gaziantep Sehitkamil State Hospital
***Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
P - 92 The Importance of Clinical Evaluation and Ultrasonography in Scrotal Pain without Acute Scrotum
C Şahin, M Arpacık, SL Mirapoğlu, C Gül, E Saygı, A Kaymakcı
Health Sciences University Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
P - 93 Surgical Issues and Outcomes in Horseshoe Kidney
B Karaaslan, M Yazıcı, S Yuksel, M Çakmak, CB Ünal
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
P - 94 The relation of testicular torsion with waking up from sleep and seasons: A retrospective analysis of 74 cases
AS Baykara*, E Yaşa*, Y Bildirici**
*University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Eskisehir
**University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Eskisehir
P - 95 Results of urotherapy and biofeedback applications in dysfunctional voiding and factors affecting success
B Erdeve, S Moralıoğlu
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
P - 96 Evaluation of cases with bladder augmentation and continent canal
S Tağcı*, G Demirtaş**, D Yayla***, B Karabulut*, HT Tiryaki*
*Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
**Erzurum City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
***Cengiz Gökcek Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hastanesi, Çocuk Ürolojisi Departmanı, Gaziantep

Salon B | 12:30 - 13:30

Moderator(s): Ufuk Ateş, Sertaç Hancıoğlu

Konferans (3)Salon A | 13:30 - 14:00

Steroid Injection in Esophageal Atresia Stenosis (STEPS trial)

Speaker(s): Reine Wijnen

Moderator(s): Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Adham Elsaid

En İyi Bilimsel Araştırmalar OturumuSalon A | 14:00 - 15:00

Chairmen: Gonca Topuzlu Tekant, Oğuz Ateş, Akgün Oral

OP - 41 Retrospective analysis of BCL-2 and laminin expression in cases of rectosigmoid hirschsprung disease with histopathological diagnosis and ıts relationship with hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis(4+2 dk)
M Dede*, F Çelik*, E Bulut**, R Balaban**, N Huriyet**, N Uğraş***, G Çeçener**, İ Kırıştıoğlu*
*Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology
***Bursa Uludag University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
OP - 42 The effect of the ganglionic segment inflammatory response to postoperative enterocolitis in Hirschsprung disease(4+2 dk)
Y Benibol*, M Önenerk**, AE Hakalmaz*, N Çomunoğlu**, G Topuzlu Tekant*, R Özcan*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology
OP - 43 Investigation of the effects and mechanisms of sucralfate on intestinal epithelial cells in an in-vitro necrotizing enterocolitis model.(4+2 dk)
A Şencan*, HS Vatansever**
*Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Manisa Celal Bayar University, Medical School, Department of Histology-Embryology, Manisa
OP - 44 The Effect of Endovascular Embolization of Feeding Artery on Surgical Outcome in Pulmonary Sequestrations(4+2 dk)
K Öztürk Yüzdemir*, Ö Boybeyi*, HH Aykan**, T Soyer*, T Karagöz**
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Cardiology
OP - 45 Evaluation of swallowing function in patients with H-type tracheoesophageal fistula: A retrospective study(4+2 dk)
MF Yalabık*, S Serel Arslan**, Ö Boybeyi*, N Demir**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
OP - 46 Evaluation of mid- and long-term quality of life in patients operated on for esophgaeal atresia(4+2 dk)
S Aydöner, G Erkoç, Aİ Anadolulu, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa
Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 47 Successful results of the selective lung ventilation method in reducing operative time and complication rates for pulmonary hydatid cyst surgery in children(4+2 dk)
SA Bostancı*, İ Akbaş*, EE Erten*, SK Balcı*, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, Cİ Öztorun**, S Özmert****, E Şenel**, MN Azılı**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
****Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology
OP - 48 The use of preoperative nutrition score to predict preoperative malnutrition in children (4+2 dk)
T Tığlı*, D Yıldırım**, P Şimşek Onat**, Ö Boybeyi*, H Hızarcıoğlu Gülşen**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterelogy, Hepatology and Nutrition.
OP - 49 The first result of laser applications in our pediatric burn patients(4+2 dk)
S Dayı*, B Dede**, S İşçimen**, M Anayurt*, S Sancar*
*Bursa City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
**Bursa City Hospital
D Altıntaş Ural*, AG Güler**, AE Karakaya***
*Memorial Ankara Hospital
**Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kahramanmaras
***Emsey Hospıtal,Pediatric Surgery,İstanbul
OP - 51 Is routine pyloroplasty necessary during gastric pull-up In children?(4+2 dk)
S Hasan, G Şakul, Ü Çeltik, Z Dökümcü, C Özcan
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
OP - 52 Evaluation of bladder and bowel functions of patients operated for sacrococcygeal teratoma(4+2 dk)
G Kadakal Köken, S Moralıoğlu
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
OP - 53 Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: Successful single center experience in cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy(4+2 dk)
KK Cerit*, A Eyvazov**, A Karagözlü Akgül***, N Eker****, D Gül*****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Avicenna Hospital
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
****Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
*****Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology
OP - 54 Surgical management of complicated Wilms tumor: Single center experience(4+2 dk)
KK Cerit*, M Jafarov*, N Eker**, A Karagözlü Akgül***, D Gül****, K Ak*****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
****Marmara University School of Medicine,Department of Radiation Oncology
*****Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
OP - 55 Role of ephrectomy in local control of abdominal neuroblastoma(4+2 dk)
Ü Çeltik*, E Ataseven**, D Kızmazoğlu***, B Demirağ****, M Kantar**, N Olgun***, A Çelik*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Oncology
***Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Oncology
****İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Pediatric Oncology Clinic

Kahve Arası15:00 - 15:30

Olgu SunumlarıSalon A | 15:30 - 16:30

Chairmen: Ferit Bernay, Feryal Gün Soysal, Rahşan Özcan

CR - 1 Management of Prolonged Chylothorax After Surgical Excision in a Prenatally Diagnosed Giant Neuroenteric Cyst and Hydrops Fetalis in a Newborn(3+1 dk)
Gİ Sarar*, A Celayir*, S Cansaran*, OD Ayvaz*, O Demirci**
*University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children's Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
**University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children’s Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Perinatology, Istanbul
CR - 2 A Rare Case of Meckel Gruber Syndrome with Congenital Intestinal Atresia and Abdominal Pseudocyst Clinic(3+1 dk)
S Ulusoy Tangül*, G Gencan**, A Şenaylı*
*Bozok University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Pediatric Surgery, Yozgat,Turkey
**Bozok Universty Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
CR - 3 Challenges in the Separation of Thoracopagus Twins: A Multidisciplinary Approach and Outcomes(3+1 dk)
B Tander*, M Çevik*, E Erek**, MV Karaaltın***, R Emiroğlu****, T Güler*****, A Çıtak******
*Acibadem University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Acibadem University, Atakent Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
***Acibadem Taksim Hospital, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
****Acibadem University, Atakent Hospital, Liver Transplantation Unit
*****Acibadem University, Department of Anesthesiology
******Acibadem University, Division of Pediatric Intensive Care
CR - 4 Laparoscopic management of an intra-thoracic perforated appendicitis (3+1 dk)
Ü Çeltik, M Cevhertaş, A Çelik, O Ergün, Z Dökümcü
Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
CR - 5 Adult gender dysphoria of a case of operated severe hypospadias(3+1 dk)
M Dede*, A Akbulut**, N Kılıç**
*Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
CR - 6 A new surgical technique: ureterocystoplasty with a vascular pedicled ureteral segment in a single system megaureter.(3+1 dk)
Ö Herek*, N Çördük*, A Akbulut**
* Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Denizli
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
CR - 7 Approach to Pancreatic Pseudopapillary Tumor: Duodenum and uncinate process preserving pancreatectomy (3+1 dk)
P Khalilova*, E Ergün*, S Fitöz**, K Karayalçın***, M Bingöl-Koloğlu*
*Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatric Radiology
***Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery
CR - 8 Endoscopic cystogastrostomy in congenital pancreatic cysts and psuocysts due to acute pancreatitis: Can it be an alternative to surgical treatments in children? (3+1 dk)
K Öztürk Yüzdemir*, T Soyer*, Ö Boybeyi*, E Parlak**
*Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology
CR - 9 Surgical correction with buccal mucosal graft in stenosis secondary to disc battery in the vagina(3+1 dk)
G Sarıaslan, S Türker Çolak, K Tutuş, ŞS Kılıç, Ö Özden, M Alkan, R Tuncer
Department of Pediatrc Surgery, Çukurova University Medical Faculty, Adana, Turkey
MA Yüksel*, B Tander**, S Beken***, M Çevik**
*Acibadem University, Atakent Hospital, Division of Perinatology
**Acibadem University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Acibadem University, Division of Neonatology
CR - 11 An effective treatment option for fecal incontinence in patients who underwent surgery for anorectal malformation: sacral neuromodulation(3+1 dk)
Ç Kefeli, O Ulusoy, O Ateş, G Hakgüder, M Olguner, F Akgür
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical school, İzmir
CR - 12 Complete cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: A Promising Treatment Option for Colorectal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with Diffuse Peritoneal Metastases(3+1 dk)
EE Erten*, Cİ Öztorun**, SA Bostancı*, YB Aydın*, AG Kiriş Uzun*, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, E Şenel**, MN Azılı**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
CR - 13 The rare cause of sinistral portal hypertension: Pancreatic solid pseudopapillary tumor(3+1 dk)
Ü Çeltik, İ Hepgüler, MO Ergün, A Çelik
Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
CR - 14 Giant thoracoabdominal ganglioneuroblastoma with spinal canal extension: a case report(3+1 dk)
AE Hakalmaz*, S Yar*, O Korun**, R Kemerdere***, A Kalyoncu Uçar****, P Kendigelen*****, S Ocak******, R Özcan*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
***Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Neurosurgery
****İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
*****Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
******Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi OturumuSalon A | 16:30 - 17:00

Moderator(s): Ebru Yeşildağ, Ayşe Karagöz Hakalmaz

Panel (5)Salon A | 17:00 - 18:00

Çocuk Cerrahisinde Afet Yönetimi (HEMŞİRELİK ORTAK OTURUM)

Speaker(s): Emrah Şenel, Selman Kesici, Ahmet Gökhan Güler, Ali Erdal Karakaya, Ecem Koyun

Moderator(s): Ahmet Kazez, Bülent Akçora, Ayşe İslamoğlu

Akşam Yemeği20:00 - 23:00

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-5Salon A | 08:00 - 09:00


Chairmen: Burak Tander, Yasemin Dere Günal, Ergun Ergün

OP - 56 Nonoperative management of acute nonperforated appendicitis: Results of an institutional protocol(4+2 dk)
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, A Karagözlü Akgül**, S Abidoğlu**, AS Kuşak*, M Jafarov*, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Istanbul
OP - 57 Intussusception survey about practices among Turkish Pediatric Surgeons(4+2 dk)
KK Cerit, Ö Kılıç
Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
OP - 58 Functional constipation in adolescents evaluated by conventional anorectal manometry(4+2 dk)
N Gülçin*, Aİ Anadolulu*, M Çağlar*, HM Mutuş**, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa*
*Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istinye University Faculty of Medicine, Liv Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 59 Evaluation of fecal incontinence in pediatric patients with Hirschsprung's disease who underwent transanal endorectal pull-through (TERP) operation(4+2 dk)
S Odabaşı, N Sever, M Kaba, DN Temel, ÇA Karadağ
Health Sciences University, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal SUAM, Pediatric Surgery Departmant, Istanbul
OP - 60 efficacy of tapering enteroplasty in the first session in small bowel atresia(4+2 dk)
F Çelik, J Baghirov, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 61 Unusual histopathological findings detected in childhood appendectomy specimens: A retrospective analysis of 2633 cases(4+2 dk)
AS Baykara*, B Erdoğan**, Y Bildirici***
*University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Eskisehir
**University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pathology, Eskisehir
***University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Eskisehir
OP - 62 Results Of Rectal Biopsy In Children: Aganglionosıs, Hypoganglionosıs, Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia(4+2 dk)
C Erdener Çeliktürk*, E Mercan Demirtaş**, M İnan*
*Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Trakya University Department of Pathology
YD Bilgili*, BH Güvenç**
*Bandırma training and research institute, pediatric surgery
**Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University School of Medicine Departments of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 64 Variations in Epithelial Lining of Duplication Cysts Cannot Be Explained by Known Theories(4+2 dk)
SM Akıncı*, Ö Boybeyi*, D Orhan**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Pathology

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-6Salon A | 09:00 - 10:00


Chairmen: Ünal Bakal, Kıvılcım Karadeniz Cerit, Ahmet Hikmet Şahin

OP - 65 Robot-assisted thoracic surgery versus thoracoscopic surgery for treatment of pediatric thoracic neurogenic tumors with image-defined risk factors (IDRF)(4+2 dk)
Z Dökümcü, M Karayazılı, Ü Çeltik, C Özcan, A Erdener
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
OP - 66 Transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy for pediatric adrenal masses (4+2 dk)
Ü Çeltik*, Y Ertan**, A Çelik*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Pathology Department
OP - 67 10 years single center Wilms tumor experience(4+2 dk)
M Gündüz*, T Sekmenli*, F Özcan Sıkı*, M Sarıkaya*, G Kaygısız Bayındır*, B kara**, M Öztürk***, G Yavaş***, S uğraş****, Y Köksal**, İ Çiftçi*
*University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine of the Department of Pediatric Oncology
***Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
****Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology
OP - 68 Surgical approach to Thyroid Diseases in children: 15 years of clinical experience(4+2 dk)
J Baghirov, F Çelik, A Parlak, AN Gürpınar
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 69 The presentation of our surgical experience in childhood ovarian solid tumors(4+2 dk)
A Bilen, O Ulusoy, O Ateş, G Hakgüder, M Olguner, F Akgür
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical school, İzmir
OP - 70 Gonad Masess in Children with Y Chromosomal Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) Patients – 10 Years of Single Center Experience(4+2 dk)
N Mustafayeva*, OH Kocaman*, B Erginel*, Ş Poyrazoğlu**, I Kılıçaslan***, E Keskin*, FG Soysal*
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
**Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism
***Istanbul Unıversity Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology
OP - 71 Management of breast diseases in children: Surgical center experience(4+2 dk)
S Sağ, Y Sönmez, E Karadeniz Güngörmez, AF Canbaz, G Gerçel
University of Health Sciences, Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
OP - 72 Diagnostic Difficulties in Congenital Head and Neck Masses in Children(4+2 dk)
C Erdener Çeliktürk, M İnan
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 73 total colectomies in children other than hirschsprung's disease, 20 years of single-center clinical experience(4+2 dk)
F Çelik, S Kurt, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery

Kahve Arası10:00 - 10:30

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-7Salon A | 10:30 - 11:30

Hepatobilier/Üst GİS

Chairmen: Meltem Bingöl Koloğlu, Mehmet Hanefi Okur, Ahmet Ertürk

OP - 74 Endoscopic Sclerotherapy Treatment in Extrahepatic Portal Hypertension(4+2 dk)
P Yorulmaz*, Ş Emre**, AE Hakalmaz*, AK Uçar***, P Kendigelen****
*Istanbul University Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
** Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Istanbul University School of Medicine Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
****Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
OP - 75 Single Center Results: Evaluation of Prognostic Factors in Biliary Atresia Cases(4+2 dk)
Ş Emre*, Y Benibol*, AE Hakalmaz*, B Karakurt*, AK Uçar**, N Kepil***, ÖF Beşer****, S Kuruğoğlu**, OF Şenyüz*
* Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Radiology
***Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pathology
****Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Division of Hepatology and Nutrition, İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
OP - 76 Assessment of Risk Factors, Short and Long-Term Outcomes in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Cholelithiasis(4+2 dk)
T Jumazade*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, S Demir***, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
F Özcan Sıkı*, M Sarıkaya*, M Gündüz*, T Sekmenli*, A Nayman**, N Kılıçlı*, İ Çiftçi*
*University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
OP - 78 Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity (DIGEST) in Children with Esophageal Atresia (4+2 dk)
N Demir*, B Pişiren**, S Serel Arslan*, Ö Boybeyi**, T Soyer**
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 79 Corrosive substance ingestion in children : When to perform endoscopy?(4+2 dk)
U Ateş*, G Göllü Bahadır*, E Ergün*, F Serttürk**, M Bülbül*, S Sözduyar***, M Bingöl-Koloğlu*, EA Yağmurlu*, AM Çakmak*
*Ankara University Cebeci Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
OP - 80 Single center experience of gastric volvulus(4+2 dk)
S Yıldız, C Erdener Çeliktürk, İ İnanç, ÜN Başaran
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
ÜN İrdem Köse*, E Şenel**
*Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 82 The Results of Long-Term Follow-up of Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis(4+2 dk)
O Farzeliyev*, UE Arslan**, T Soyer*, Ö Boybeyi*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Institute of Public Health
OP - 83 Gastroptosis in children with chronic abdominal pain and upper gastrointestinal complaints(4+2 dk)
S Ulusoy Tangül, A Şenaylı
Bozok University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Pediatric Surgery, Yozgat,Turkey

Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-8Salon A | 11:30 - 12:30


Chairmen: Levent Cankorkmaz, Serpil Sancar, Sabri Demir

OP - 84 The value of intravascular volume measurement by transthoracic echocardiography in fluid resuscitation of children with major burns(4+2 dk)
M Şahin*, S Demir*, MN Gürel*, S Sayın**, EG Torun**, O Doğan**, VS Çayhan*, D Kısıklı*, A Abay*, E Şenel***
*University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
**University of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Ankara, Türkiye
***Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
S Müftüoğulları, S Demir, SA Bostancı, EE Erten, Cİ Öztorun, A Ertürk, Ş Demirkaya, ON İş, MN Azılı, E Şenel
Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
OP - 86 Our 18 Years Of Experience In Pediatric Burns From Service To Unit, Unit To Center(4+2 dk)
SA Bostancı*, S Demir**, EE Erten*, B Başaran*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, Cİ Öztorun***, A Ertürk***, MN Azılı***, E Şenel***
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
***Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 87 Exploring the Controversies: A Selective Approach in the Treatment of Abdominal Penetrating-Stabbing Injuries in Children(4+2 dk)
B Karbuzoğlu, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 88 Pediatric Burns Clinical Assessment: A Retrospective Study (4+2 dk)
*Samsun Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 89 Outcomes of pediatric patients with earthquake-related crush syndrome(4+2 dk)
C Erdoğan, HÖ Gezer, G Bairamovi, A Temiz
Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 90 The role of diagnostic laparoscopy in penetrating/cutting abdominal trauma in children: our clinical results(4+2 dk)
U Doğan, ŞS Kılıç, K Tutuş, S Türker Çolak, Ö Özden, M Alkan, R Tuncer
Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 91 Is There a Cutoff Value for Predicting Liver Injury in Pediatric Abdominal Trauma Based on Hepatic Enzymes?(4+2 dk)
T Örnek Demir*, VS Çayhan*, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, E Şenel**, MN Azılı**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 92 Pancreatic trauma in children: a single center experience(4+2 dk)
AU Uzun*, A Ertürk**, S Demir*, Cİ Öztorun**, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, VS Çayhan*, YB Aydın*, HK Fakılı*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
OP - 93 Abbreviated bedrest protocol in patients with blunt spleen and liver injury: Is it safe in children?(4+2 dk)
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, M Jafarov*, A Karagözlü Akgül**, S Abidoğlu**, Ö Yapıcı***, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Radiology

Salon A | 12:30 - 13:00

Çocuk Cerrahisinde Özlük Hakları ve SUT Çalışma Grubu Değerlendirme Toplantısı

Speaker(s): Mete Kaya, Mehmet Hanifi Okur

Moderator(s): Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Tutku Soyer

Genel Kurul, Yeterlik Genel Kurul, KapanışSalon A | 13:00 - 13:30